
In today's world, a vast amount of data is being generated daily. However, the availability of data that can be obtained and used for data science competitions is limited.

The bitgrit community consists of engineers with diverse backgrounds in machine learning, DevOps, web, network, and more. As a result, it is possible to create datasets utilising the skill sets of community participants, which may include synthesising new data from existing sources.

These newly created datasets (the challenges themselves can also be sourced from the community) could significantly improve innovation among AI competitions for specific societal needs, and improves the range of problems that can be solved through these data science competitions.

Community participants who create and publish datasets for use by the bitgrit community and Network, can receive BGR for their participation in the community (community participation related to datasets include evaluating and improving datasets). This could offer additional future benefits if the users choose to place their created datasets on the marketplace.

Last updated