
Project Roadmap

Project Roadmap

Q2 2024

  • Launch of the BGR Token

  • Founding DLT Foundation in ADGM

  • CoinMarketCap and Coin Gecko Listing

  • Listing on DEX

  • Listing on Tier 2 Exchanges

  • Staking

Q3 2024

  • Listing on Tier 1 Exchanges

  • Introduction of Teams in Competitions to facilitate a collaboration ecosystem

  • Migration of AI Competitions to a Web3 platform

  • Host first Web3-style AI competition

  • Launch API Marketplace

Q4 2024

  • Open the bug bounty and open-source contribution program.

  • Introduction of token incentive for partners

  • Launch Alpha AI Marketplace

  • Implement a Web3 wallet via sibling company DataGateway

Q1 2025

  • Integrate the Job Board with the Web3 platform.

  • Introduction of Blockchain-backed certification, recognition and rewards

Last updated