Supply and Distribution

BGR Supply and Distribution

BGR will be issued on the Avalanche C-chain. The maximum supply of BGR tokens would be 10 billion. 50% of the maximum supply would be set in stone for items such as team allocation, advisors, private sale, public sale, liquidity, discretionary reserve and marketing incentives.

The rest would be community incentives (50%), including a 2% initial airdrop allocation where BGR is minted and provided to data scientists or any other community members in exchange for actions or events that enhance or favourably promote the bitgrit ecosystem.


Beneficiaries AllocationCliff/VestingDetails



6 months / 32 months

This is to ensure that less than 1% of total supply is dropped on the market at any given point in time after the cliff.



6 months / 32 months

Early Investor


0 months / 24 months

Early Adopters


0 months / 32 months

Community Emissions


0 months / 32 months

This allocation is used for the Ambassador Partner program, contest rewards, community dataset provider rewards, data scientist incentives rewards, hackathon, airdrop, liquidity provider reward.

Marketing & Events Reserve


0 months / 32 months

This allocation is to be used for Job Board Incentives and Partnerships.

Early Marketing Reserve


0 months / 0 months

Early Marketing Reserve that ensure the engagement of the most needed community members early in the project’s lifecycle, early giveaway and early partnership.

Discretionary Reserve


0 months / 24 months

A reserve the bitgrit team can use to promote the project and ensure its success.

Liquidity Reserve


0 months / 0 months

A liquidity reserve to ensure liquidity is upheld across markets, especially deep liquidity or concentrated liquidity concepts (i.e., a DEX).

We note that the current BGR token in circulation, already traded with existing liquidity on secondary markets, represents an earlier version within our ecosystem. The introduction of the new token signals our decision to replace its predecessor, emphasising that trading with the previous token will no longer be supported within our ecosystem.

Last updated